Type One Basics
MOTIVE : To be correct, without error, improve, get things right
DRIVING FEAR : That they are wrong, bad or incorrect, to make no mistakes
RESOURCING : In stress T1 (Type 1) resources to type 4 (Type 4) and in times of security T1 resources to type 7. (see segment on resourcing)
FOCUS OF ATTENTION: What is wrong, how can I be good, avoiding doing things wrong, go things right.
SENSE OF SELF : I am reasonable, responsible and objective
DESCRIPTORS : principled, perfectionist, reformer, opinionated, idealist, principled
STRENGTHS : Honest, objective, principled, responsible, goal oriented, improvement oriented
WEAKNESSES: Resentful, non-adaptable, overly critical or self and others
SPEAKING STYLE: Direct, non emotional, precise, detail oriented and overly critcal
LEADERSHIP STYLE: Driven, high achieving, successful, meticulous, unforgiving, task oriented, task master